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The Kids Who Beat Autism

July 31, 2014

TOPICS: Autism

Source:  The New York Times (Read Full Article)


At first, everything about L.’s baby boy seemed normal. He met every developmental milestone and delighted in every discovery. But at around 12 months, B. seemed to regress, and by age 2, he had fully retreated into his own world. He no longer made eye contact, no longer seemed to hear, no longer seemed to understand the random words he sometimes spoke. His easygoing manner gave way to tantrums and head-banging. “He had been this happy, happy little guy,” L. said. “All of a sudden, he was just fading away, falling apart. I can’t even describe my sadness. It was unbearable.” More than anything in the world, L. wanted her warm and exuberant boy back.

A few months later, B. received a diagnosis of autism. His parents were devastated. Soon after, L. attended a conference in Newport, R.I., filled with autism clinicians, researchers and a few desperate parents. At lunch, L. (who asked me to use initials to protect her son’s privacy) sat across from a woman named Jackie, who recounted the disappearance of her own boy. She said the speech therapist had waved it off, blaming ear infections and predicting that Jackie’s son, Matthew, would be fine. She was wrong. Within months, Matthew acknowledged no one, not even his parents. The last word he had was “Mama,” and by the time Jackie met L., even that was gone.

(Read Full Article)


Fall Food School 2024

Last Chance to Sign Up for Fall Food School

About Food School:  Occupational Therapists will facilitate Food School using a responsive approach to feeding, with tenants from the evidence-based Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding. It emphasizes play-based exposures and opportunities to learn about novel and non-preferred foods. 

Group 1 (Ages 4-5 years, 11 months)

  • Dates: September 9th-November 18th
  • Day/Time: Mondays from 4:15 pm-5:15 pm

Group 2 (Ages 6-10)

  • Dates: September 11th-November 20th
  • Da/Time: Wednesdays from 4:30 pm-5:30 pm

Helpful Downloads: 

Payment Information:

  • Payment details will be provided upon request.
  • All 11 Food School sessions + the one included parent consultation will be prepaid.
  • Given the nature of the feeding intervention and the pacing of therapy activities in a group setting, we will not offer make-ups for any missed food school sessions.
  • Superbills can be provided for those seeking insurance reimbursement. 

How to Sign Up:

  • For families currently receiving OT feeding therapy OR have participated in a previous OT feeding group: Please email Emily, at to complete an updated food list & any food allergies or dietary restrictions.
  • For new families who have not received OT feeding services: To ensure appropriate peer pairing and group treatment goals, we require an initial evaluation to assess group readiness and appropriate fit for our sensory-based intervention approach to feeding. Please email our clinic coordinator, Emily, at to schedule an initial screening and complete our OT Intake Form and Feeding History Questionnaire Form

Questions?  (Billing/Scheduling)
Emily O’Brien, Clinic Coordinator & Administrator
(415)758-2768  |